Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Jake and Melese Sorensen said...

I just wanted to be the first to say welcome to the blog world. We are so glad to have you along! You are an amazing family and we look up to you so much. This will be such a fun way to keep in touch.

Julia said...

i love your pictures guys! so glad you started a blog and i look forward to many awesome posts!

Karlee said...

Hey Kim!!
Great job on getting a blog going! You'll love it. It's a fun way to connect with so many friends... and I'm thinking it's going to be a great way to keep in touch with everyone after we move. We're going to want to see your little kids as much as we can. We're going to miss them and everyone! It'll be sad not to see everyone everyday anymore! I got tons of comments on my post about your new baby, you'll have to read them if you haven't seen them yet. Lots of congratulations! Isn't that picture of the kids on the bed the cutest! Your pictures are really cute... and I love that one of you guys at the Sorensens... you don't look like you are about to have a baby! I look forward to seeing many more post from you guys!!

Beckey said...

It's funny, I got the e-mail the other day for Trey and I ws thinking...they should just do a blog!!! How funny! I got your address off of Jake and Melese...ours is buxton5.blogspot.com! Trey is such a cutie by the way! Congrats again!

Callisters said...

Hello Kim- How are you doing? Congratulations on number 3! How is everything going? He is darling! How did all of the labor and stuff go for you? How much did he weigh, how long was he-he looks like a pretty long baby. Seeing little Trey makes you realize how fast time flies by. Our little Olivia will be one next month, I can hardly believe it. Maybe through the blogging world we can keep in touch with each other. When you guys move home and build on your lot we will be only a couple of blocks away, we will have to get the kids together. Have a good day. You will have to check out our blog.

Nances said...

Yeah!!! You are bloggers now too. Great job on the site! Once you start it's so fun to explore other peoples site and get updates on people. You better keep posting lots of pics of the kids so we can see them! I sent Trey a package so you should be getting it soon. How do you do the music playlist? I want that on our site. Love you all so much, give Madison, Teige, and Trey (Holy Cow--you have 3 kids!!)great big hugs and lots of kisses from us(well mostly me).

The Austad Family said...

I am so glad you guys started a blog. I love the pictures and look forward to staying updated. Congrats on a darling little boy. You look great Kim!

JO said...

So happy that you started a blog! We will be sure to add you to our list of blogging friends :)

The Bing's said...

Oh hooray another person has joined the blogging family...I wanted to say congratulations on the newest member of your family he is absolutely adorable. I love the picture of the two boys sleeping...adorable!! I can totally see how all the kids look a like a bit too...Congratulations!!!! Can't wait to read more from your family!!!

Kristi Drennan said...

Well I didn`t even know you had a blog til right this second!!! Those pictures are cute!!!! I canèt wait to see you guys...just two weeks from today!!!

The Super Seven said...

Hey Kim.....So excited to see that you guys have a blog. Congrats on the new baby boy......he is too cute!! I hope all is well with you guys and you are adjusting to 3. Madison looks like she loves to hold the baby.....if she's anything like Sarah I'm sure she's a huge help!! We have to plan a play date soon for the girls....I'll have to look and see when Sarah is off school......you can check out our blog too.....

Rieck Family said...

Congrats! He is darling. So are your other two. I have never seen your little boy before and it's been forever since i have seen Madison!! Cute, and you look darling even in the hospital!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! You guys are such a happy family!

Kierstin said...

Hi Jared and Kim! I didn't know you had a blog until I went through Krista's and saw your link on her page :) Congratulations on you sweet little baby. He is beautiful and I am excited so see him some day...hopefully soon. I wanted to give you the address to my family blog so we can keep in touch. It is myllifekierstinlaws.blogspot.com I am pretty sure I sent an invitation to your e-mail address but if I didn't, let me know at kierstinlaws@hotmail.com and I'll send it. I love you guys and will keep in touch. Love, Kierstin

Channynba said...

Congrats on becoming a mommy again and a blogger.